Financial advice can help you make better decisions about your financial future at any stage in your life. You work hard so why not make sure your money is working as hard as you are?

You use experts to help you in other areas of your life, at Woodward Nhill we believe your financial life should be no different.

We all have the potential to build financial independence. A skilled financial adviser can help you reach that potential and put you on the path to achieving your goals.

How can Woodward Nhill financial advice help you?

The right financial advice can help you:

  • define and achieve your financial goals
  • make the most of your money
  • determine whether you are entitled to any government assistance
  • avoid expensive mistakes
  • protect your income and your assets
  • feel more in control of your finances and your life

What to look for in a financial plan

A financial plan is officially known as a ‘Statement of Advice’ (SOA).

Australian Investments and Securities Commission (ASIC) says a good Statement of Advice (SOA) should:

  • address the reasons you sought advice.
  • include recommendations that are relevant to you.
  • refer accurately to your assets, liabilities, income and expenses.
  • have a defined scope and explain what advice is and isn’t being provided.
  • give cashflow projections (where relevant) to show how the recommended strategy will fit your income and expenses.
  • present the advantages and disadvantages of complex strategic recommendations (if relevant).
  • explain how financial products fit into the overall strategy and your risk tolerance.
  • state all the costs.

A Woodward Nhill Financial Adviser can help you make the right decisions about your finances by understanding your financial situation and helping you develop a financial plan to meet your short and long-term goals.

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